

SHIFT Fitness

Helping you lose fat, get toned, and make fitness & health a sustainable part of your life!

Our Mission

Our mission is to simplify fat loss for women.

There is SO much diet culture BS out there - telling women they need to do hours of cardio, cut out sugar, cut out carbs, just eat less and move more...and the list goes on and on.

SO many of us get stuck in this yo-yo diet cycle and spend YEARS spinning our wheels and not seeing any results.

If you're thinking, "That sounds like me...."

Then you're in the right place!

Our SHIFT Method was designed to help women lose fat and get toned, without having to give up your favorite foods or spend hours in the gym. And the best part - we teach you how to sustain your results FOR GOOD! Instead of giving you a cookie cutter plan, we focus on creating a plan that is actually going to fit into YOUR lifestyle, to improve every single aspect of your overall wellness. We give you all of the tools and accountability you need to not just lose weight, but to create lifestyle habits that keep you living at your fullest potential - body and mind - and keep the weight off permanently!

Hi! I’m Megan!

  • CEO & Head Coach

  • OFNC

  • Certified Pre & Postnatal Coach

I know how it feels to want to have your dream body, but not have any clear idea on how to get there.

I was a busy professional, stuck in my beliefs that I needed to do hours of cardio and severely restrict what I ate in order to reach my health & fitness goals. It took me YEARS to finally gain food freedom and create a healthy lifestyle in order to lose weight, get in the best shape of my life, and be confident in my own skin.

I created SHIFT Fitness so you don’t have to waste years like I did. My program will give you all the tools and accountability you need to not just lose weight, but to create lifestyle habits that keep you living at your fullest potential - body and mind - and keep the weight off permanently!

Hi! I’m Lindsey!

  • Assistant Coach

  • OFNC

I was at the heaviest point in my life, feeling STUCK. I'd tried so many different ways to lose weight, but nothing worked, and I didn't know what exactly to do to change that.

I was cutting out carbs, restricting my food, and still gaining weight.... and then I found Megan. She helped me improve my relationship with food and create sustainable habits that fit my lifestyle and held me accountable with consistency to lose the weight and keep it off!

I was finally losing weight while eating MORE food and not cutting out the carbs I loved! I decided I wanted to help other women do just that! I don't want women to struggle like I did. SHIFT Fitness will help you lose fat, build strength, gain confidence, and make health and fitness a lifestyle you can stick with!

Our 'SHIFT' Method For Success

S - Set Specific Goals

First we are going to get really clear on your specific goals, and create a custom roadmap of exactly how to get there! We provide you with the strategies you need to ensure you can reach your goals in a way that fits into your lifestyle.

H - Healthy Habits

We help you build a foundation of healthy habits needed for long term success. This assures you will achieve a total lifestyle transformation - so that you can reach your goals, and maintain your results for life!

I - Integrate Activity

We are going to ensure you are doing the right type of exercise specific to your goals. This will ensure that your workouts are efficient and effective - no more spending hours in the gym!

F - Food Freedom

We believe that in order to create sustainable results, our nutrition must be something we can sustain as well. You are going to learn how to fuel your body with a balance of nutrient-dense foods to nourish you physically, as well as fun foods to nourish your soul. We help you find that balance so you can feel your best inside & out!

T - Track Progress

We are going to provide you with all of the accountability you need to ensure results! Your coach will help you keep track of your progress and make adjustments to your plan as needed to keep you on track with your goals.

What Does 1:1 Coaching Look Like?

  • Custom workouts built around your life and schedule to get you toned WITHOUT spending hours in the gym!

  • Nutrition plans tailored to you - you'll never have to worry about falling off, not being able to maintain results, or tracking food for the rest of your life!

  • Check-ins with your coach to assess your progress and make adjustments as needed. These are designed to keep you on track with your goals!

  • 24/6 access to your coach for questions

  • Lifetime access to the education and resources you need to kickstart your transformation and maintain your results for life!

  • Monthly client-exclusive educational zoom calls

  • Monthly coaching support calls for Q&A

  • An AMAZING community of like minded women that are all on the same journey as you

Get your FREE Guides Below!

Client Transformations

What Our Clients are Saying

Hear What Other Clients Have To Say


Jaime was spending 1-2 hrs per day running, and severely restricting her calories, and yet she wasn’t happy with her body.
She knew something had to change, so she joined SHIFT Fitness! She noticed a change - both physically & mentally - almost immediately. Her clothes are fitting better, she’s building muscle, and finally feels like she is doing something good for her body.


When Kayleigh started working with SHIFT Fitness she was fasting and had no real exercise routine. Despite only eating 1 meal per day, she wasn't seeing the progress she wanted. Since joining SHIFT Fitness, she has improved her overall lifestyle habits, lost weight, lost inches, and went into her wedding feeling confident!


Kayla was able to drop 2 dress sizes while still enjoying wine, social events, and with just 3 home workouts per week!

© Copyright SHIFT Fitness 2024